The Art of Sandwich Making.

For generations, La Segunda has been serving up the most desired Cuban-Spanish-Italian-inspired sandwiches and pastries in all of Tampa Bay. There’s a reason people are waiting outside the doors each morning at 6:30 when they open–it’s because locals and visitors alike know they are getting the freshest, most flavorful food made with love, tradition, and a commitment to quality ingredients. 

Making the perfect sandwich is an art. The first step in making the perfect sandwich is to make sure you have a range of textures and flavors. Balance is key. You don’t want so much meat, you miss the flavors of the other ingredients, and you don’t want to add too many condiments and have them fall off in giant globs. 

Bread is the foundation of your sandwich, so be sure to choose a bread that complements the other ingredients. La Segunda is known worldwide for our authentic Cuban bread and the technique our bakers use–one that is over a century old. Every loaf leaving our ovens holds a piece of this century-old journey. The tradition of placing a palmetto frond on top of the loaves before baking still remains today. It creates a subtle trench in the upper crust, a bit like the scoring you see on European-style loaves.

When it comes to meats and cheeses, La Segunda takes immense pride in using the finest quality. Whether layering on ham, Capicola, Mortadella, and Provolone for a Pasinostro, or Mojo marinated pork, smoked ham, Genoa Salami, and Swiss cheese for our Media Noche, we know how to stack these delicious ingredients so they blend as well on the sandwich as they do in your mouth.  

And then there’s the sauce. A good sauce can take your sandwich to the next level! There’s ranch and caesar, and fire, and of course, everyone’s favorite, La Segunda’s Special Sauce–the perfect silky addition to our Cuban and Media Noche sandwiches. Going hearty with a meatball sandwich? A smothering of our Sicilian Scacciata sauce makes it mouth-watering. So when you’re building your perfect sandwich, don’t forget that a little sauce can make it extra savory!

Now that you know a bit more about the artistry behind the perfect sandwich, and our love of making them, what are you waiting for? Clear the counter! 

Let’s Sink Our Teeth Into a Cuban

The Cuban sandwich reflects the fusion of Cuban and American flavors and features ham, roasted pork, Swiss cheese, pickles, mustard, (and sometimes mayonnaise and salami) all pressed between Cuban bread. While the sandwich has since evolved in various regions, this classic combination of flavors remains at the heart of its origins, and how we do it here at La Segunda Bakery & Cafe. 

The real key to making a good Cuban is the bread. A Cuban sandwich isn’t made on just any bread. It’s made on Cuban bread. One of the trademark ingredients of authentic Cuban bread is the palmetto leaf placed on top before baking, a signature mark of La Segunda’s made fresh daily Cuban bread. The leaf gives the bread a distinct flavor that contributes to the deliciousness of the sandwich as a whole. 

Making the perfect Cuban sandwich!

  1. Grab Cuban bread. 

  2. Cut that beautiful bread lengthwise and open it up.

  3. Generously spread mustard (and Mayo if you like) on both sides! 

  4. Place a perfect slice of Swiss cheese on each side. 

  5. Add Mojo marinated roasted pork. 

  6. Now layer on a few slices of smoked ham. 

  7. Don’t forget the Genoa salami.

  8. Top it all off with thickly sliced pickles.

The finishing touches.

  1. Put 1 tablespoon of butter in a hot pan. 

  2. Soak each side of the sandwich in the butter so that every part of the bread is coated.

  3. Press down on the sandwich for 2-3 minutes while it browns in the butter.

  4. Flip and repeat.

  5. Cut at an angle and enjoy!

Now knowledgeable of the flavorful history of the Cuban sandwich and the essential ingredients that define its authenticity, you can craft the perfect Cubano. Whether savoring the sandwich’s origins at La Segunda Bakery & Cafe or adding your personal touch, you’re sure to enjoy a culinary experience that pays tribute to the cultural fusion that is the art of the Cuban sandwich.